Mockup 1

MacBookPro background template was downloaded from the Mockupworld website.

Social Media icons were downloaded from the FlatIcon website.

Hero image was taken by the author.

Website Mockup 1

Photoshop PSD file.

Mockup 2

MacBookPro background template was downloaded from the Mockupworld website.

Social Media icons were downloaded from the FlatIcon website.

All the gallery images were taken by the author.

Website Mockup 2

Photoshop PSD file.

Mockup 3

Mobile phone and its shadow to the right were downloaded from the Mockupworld website.

Photographer image was taken by the author.

Website Mockup 3

Photoshop PSD file.

Mockup 4

Mobile phone and its shadow to the right were downloaded from the Mockupworld website.

Map image is the Image 6 from the Images page.

Website Mockup 4

Photoshop PSD file.